Palestinian passport information

According to the latest ranking of the Henley Passport Index, the Palestinian passport has one of the lowest mobility scores and ranks 101st. The ranking is updated quarterly and compares the visa-free entry of over 190 different passports to more than 220 worldwide travel destinations. 

As of February 2023, Palestinian passport holders enjoy visa-free access to 10 countries, including Dominica, Ecuador, Bolivia, Indonesia, Eswatini, Malaysia, Jordan, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Micronesia. 

What is more, nationals of Palestine can also obtain a visa on arrival in around 20 countries and apply for an electronic visa to 25 different countries. 

As a rule, obtaining a Palestinian passport is possible only for individuals born in Palestine or those who have Palestinian parents.

Visa-free travel as a perfect way to know new cultures

It has been known for a long time that traveling is one of the best possible ways to get to know new cultures, meet incredible people, and see what life in different corners of the world looks like. It may teach us value as we learn that all the things that we take for granted are not so widely available for people living in other parts of the world. 

Traveling without the need to hold a visa opens doors to even more destinations, and allows travelers to plan spontaneous trips with no paperwork involved. If there is no need to obtain a visa before travel, you may set off for a visa-free country immediately. Of course, you should still familiarize yourself with other entry requirements to ensure issues-free entry to the visited country. 

Who can apply for a Palestinian passport

Any person who is a holder of a birth certificate confirming the place of birth in Palestine can obtain a Palestinian Authority passport. In practice, it means that only residents of areas that are under the Palestinian Authority's jurisdiction can apply for a Palestinian passport. 

Additionally, a Palestinian who was born outside the Palestinian Authority but has a parent who is a citizen of Palestine can also become a Palestinian passport holder. 

Also, there are certain exceptional situations where some other nationalities may be granted Palestinian citizenship and passport - for example, a person born in Argentina to Jewish parents. 

Benefits of traveling visa-free  

There are plenty of benefits that you may enjoy from traveling visa-free with a Palestinian passport:

  • You no longer need to worry about the necessity to arrange your visa before a trip - no paperwork, stressful interviews, embassy appointments, or time spent in waiting lines.
  • The visa application most often requires covering the processing fee - if no visa is needed, you can save money, which may be crucial, especially for those Palestinian passport holders who travel on a tight budget. 
  • Visiting a visa-free country with a Palestinian passport will entitle you to stay in a given country for an extended period of time without needing to worry about visa overstay - it also makes your trip more flexible as you may change your travel plans whenever you want.

Countries where Palestinian passport holders can enter without a visa

Palestinian passport visa-free countries

Currently, a Palestinian passport holder can enjoy visa-free entry to 10 different countries, including:

  • Bolivia
  • Dominica
  • Ecuador
  • Eswatini
  • Indonesia
  • Jordan
  • Malaysia
  • Micronesia
  • Nicaragua
  • Venezuela

Important: Although Palestinian passport holders do not need to hold a visa to enter the abovelisted countries, they still do need to possess a valid passport - usually with the validity extending beyond at least 6 months after the planned departure date. They may also need to meet other entry requirements that may differ depending on the visited country.

Visa on arrival countries

There are also several countries offering Palestinian citizens the opportunity of getting a Visa on Arrival. These countries include:

    • Bangladesh
    • Benin
    • Burundi
    • Cambodia
    • Cape Verde
    • Comoros
    • Djibouti
    • Guinea-Bissau
    • Iran
    • Laos
    • Maldives
    • Mauritania
    • Mozambique
    • Palau
    • Rwanda
    • Saint Lucia
    • Samoa
    • Senegal
    • Seychelles
    • Somalia
    • Sri Lanka
    • Timor-Leste
    • Togo
    • Tuvalu
    • Uganda
    • Zimbabwe

    Electronic visa countries

    As a holder of a Palestinian passport, you can also get an electronic visa to the following destinations:

    • Antigua and Barbuda
    • Bahrain
    • Benin
    • Cambodia
    • Côte d'Ivoire
    • Ethiopia
    • Gabon
    • India
    • Iran
    • Kyrgyzstan
    • Lesotho
    • Malawi
    • Moldova
    • Oman
    • Rwanda
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • São Tomé and Príncipe
    • South Sudan
    • Sri Lanka
    • Suriname
    • Tajikistan
    • Tanzania
    • Turkey
    • United Arab Emirates
    • Uzbekistan
    • Zambia
    • Zimbabwe


    How to find out if your destination is a visa-free country?

    To find out what countries you may visit without a visa based on the passport you hold, you need to check the visa policy of a given country. You can also find visa-free countries lists created according to different rankings. The most reliable ranking of the world passports is created by the Henley Passport Index. Please bear in mind that the ranking is updated quarterly, so you should consult the latest one when planning your visa-free trip. 

    What do you need to do next if your destination is not a visa-free country?

    If you find out that the destination you planned to visit is not visa-free, you will need to arrange a visa in order to travel there. The type of visa you should apply for will depend on various factors such as your nationality, traveling motive, and the planned duration of stay. 

    Tips for preparing for travel to non-visa-free countries

    A trip to a non-visa-free country requires the appropriate preparation that should be started well ahead of the planned trip. The essential document to be obtained is a relevant visa. The visa application process may differ depending on the destination you plan to visit. Therefore, make sure to do the proper research ahead of time. There are plenty of destinations offering the electronic visa as an alternative to a regular one, so check out this option and save plenty of your time. Also, remember to have other necessary travel documents, including a passport that, in most cases, must remain valid for at least 6 months from the date of your planned entry to a visited country. 

    Why is it essential to research the different visa requirements of each country before traveling?

    There is no worse thing than arriving in a country you had dreamed of visiting and not being able to enter it or stay there. Doing some research on visa requirements will prevent you from being entry-denied, deported, or fined. Should you have any doubts or questions related to visa requirements of certain destinations, you may always contact the nearest embassy for more information. Regarding questions about the electronic visas, feel free to contact our support team. 

    Bogdan T

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