Digital Nomads - Statistics [2023]

Below, we present the latest statistics on digital nomad travel. Learn more about this popular trend of working from whatever place on Earth!

The digital nomad trend is gaining more and more popularity inspiring travelers around the globe to combine work with world exploration.

According to the latest estimation, there are 35 mln digital nomads worldwide. They could form a separate country!

And now, it is even easier to start the life of a digital nomad since many countries have already been offering digital nomad visas

We've compiled the most relevant statistics on digital nomads, so if you happen to be a person working without geographical restrictions or planning to do so in the nearest future, or wish to find out some key statistics, this article is for you!

Key Digital Nomad Statistics

Let's start by taking a closer look at a few key statistics related to digital nomads:

  • There are around 35 million digital nomads on the Earth
  • The annual contribution of digital nomads to a global economic value is $787 billion 
  • If global digital nomads could form a country, it would rank 41st in the worldwide ranking by population
  • Thailand just after Mexico is the top digital nomad destination
  • Most digital nomads decide to start their nomadic life path at the age of 29, while on average, a digital nomad is 32 
  • Over half (51%) of global digital nomads are Americans (around 11 mln)
  • 61% of digital nomads are married, while 39% are unmarried
  • There are more self-employed digital nomads (46%) rather than company employees (35%) 
  • The biggest challenge in starting a nomadic lifestyle may be difficulty in finding a reliable WiFi connection

Number of Digital Nomads in The World by Gender and Ethnical Background

The digital nomad community is one of the most diversely represented communities today. The remarkable fact that nearly 50% of it consists of women proves that digital nomads have moved beyond traditional gender roles and are open to a variety of experiences and lifestyles. 

Even more impressive is the fact that digital nomads from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds are embracing this level of freedom from convention 76% of digital nomads worldwide hail from white European descent, while 10%, 8%, and 6%, respectively come from Latino/Hispanic, Asian and African descent backgrounds.

This makes the digital nomad community an inspiring example of how our world can be in the near future - a world that welcomes diversity with open arms.

Age of Digital Nomads

So, how old are digital nomads? Recent studies have found that nearly half of all digital nomads - 47% - are between the age of 30 and 39. 

It doesn't stop there, though: 14% are between 20 and 29, 16% belong to the age group 40-49, 19% age range 50-59, and 3-1% age range above 60. 

This paints an incredible picture of what is possible within our current society - it's never too late to take a leap into living life as a digital nomad! 

Whatever age you may be, now is the perfect time to explore the benefits and flexibility that being a digital nomad can offer.

Digital nomads by age - percentage distribution:

  • aged 20 to 29 - 14%
  • aged 30 to 39 - 47%
  • aged 40 to 49 - 16%
  • aged 50 to 59 - 19%
  • aged 60 to 69 - 3%
  • aged 70 and older - 1%

Annual Earnings of Digital Nomads

One of the key elements to this lifestyle is how much digital nomads earn - and actually, it's quite diversified. 

In fact, according to recent surveys conducted by digital nomad businesses, 7% of digital nomads make less than $25k annually, 17% make between $25k - $50k, 34% between $50k - $100k, 33% between $100k - $250k, 7% between $250K and 1 million dollars, and a small 2% bring in over a million dollars each year. 

This goes to show how lucrative the lifestyle can be for those brave enough to pursue full-time remote work. Perhaps the best part about becoming a digital nomad?

Annual income range of digital nomads:

  • Less Than $25k - 7%
  • $25k -  $50k - 17%
  • $50k - $100k - 34%
  • $100k $250k - 33%
  • $250k - $1M - 7%
  • Over 1+ Million - 2%

5 Biggest Challenges For Digital Nomads

Being a digital nomad can be a difficult but rewarding experience. From the challenges of staying connected to the stresses of working in different time zones, digital nomads must rely on their own creativity and resourcefulness to succeed. Chief among their biggest challenges are finding reliable WiFi, finding a comfortable workspace, networking with others, managing multiple time zones, and collaborating online. 

5 biggest challenges most often mentioned by digital nomads are:

  • Finding reliable WiFi - 52%
  • Finding a good place to work - 42%
  • Networking - 35%
  • Time zones - 29%
  • Workplace communication - 20%

All in all, these challenges become opportunities to grow and build something amazing out of it all. With the right tools and determination, digital nomads are sure to overcome any barrier they face and realize the promise of living life without boundaries.

Top 5 Reasons Why People Choose Digital Nomad Journey

The reasons why people choose a digital nomad journey are varied and unique to every individual.

Still, some of the most compelling include gaining access to unique experiences, having increased autonomy and freedom, and learning important life lessons in the process. 

Those who embrace the digital nomad lifestyle often find that it helps them become more open-minded and independent.

Whether you want to learn new skills, explore different cultures, or simply enjoy the flexibility of working anywhere in the world, a digital nomad journey might be what you really need! 

There are limitless opportunities for growth and discovery when you take control of your own destiny. A digital nomad journey can provide invaluable lessons that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Statistics show that the top 5 reasons why people decide to follow the digital nomad path are:

  • Desire for better work-life balance - 73%
  • Love for lifestyle freedom - 68%
  • Love to travel - 55%
  • Desire to avoid office politics - 43%
  • Desire to get to know other cultures - 37% 

Most often people seek a balance between work and private life - 73% of digital nomads. For 68%, the reason to become a digital nomad is the freedom of lifestyle.

As we may see, digital nomads are the people for whom freedom-related aspects are the essential ones that lead them to combine work with travel.
Other things, such as a love to travel or willingness to explore new cultures, are no surprise since a person who decides to work from wherever on earth must have a rolling stone personality.

One more interesting reason is a desire to avoid office politics. It can be exhausting to constantly navigate the delicate paths of office politics, and many people avoid it by choosing digital nomadism. 

By finding a remote job that can be done from anywhere in the world, digital nomads have the freedom to escape from the often artificial environment of office politics and experience a more authentic, liberated type of lifestyle.  

Top 10 Nationalities of Digital Nomads

Embracing digital flexibility, digital nomads are increasingly coming from all parts of the world.

The list of top 10 nationalities includes:

  1. United States - 51%
  2. United Kingdom - 8%
  3. Russia - 5%
  4. Canada - 5%
  5. Germany - 3%
  6. France - 3%
  7. Australia - 2%
  8. Brazil - 2%
  9. Netherlands - 2%
  10. Spain, Ukraine, India - 1%

At the top of the list is the United States with 51%, followed by 8% from the United Kingdom, 5% from Russia and Canada respectively, and then 3% each for Germany and France.

With just 2%, Australia, Brazil, and the Netherlands round out the top nationalities. Finally, a handful of nationalities tie at 1%: Spain, Ukraine, and India.

Forging different paths of global adventure, these diverse nationalities come together to form an inspiring community that celebrates boundless freedom.

Top 10 Digital Nomad Destinations

Are you considering life as a digital nomad but can't decide which top countries to choose? Below, we present the list of the top 10 countries most often chosen by digital nomads:

  1. Mexico
  2. Thailand
  3. Indonesia
  4. Colombia
  5. Vietnam
  6. Portugal
  7. Turkey
  8. Costa Rica
  9. Brazil
  10. Philippines

Whether you're a professional freelancer or are just trying out the digital nomad lifestyle, the top ten countries chosen by digital nomads are sure to inspire your wanderlust. 

From Mexico's lush Yucatan peninsula to Thailand's Bangkok-drenched energy and from Indonesia's paradise-like beaches to Colombia's vibrant cities, the top countries for digital nomads offer something for everyone. 

Vietnam beckons with its breathtaking Ha Long Bay, Portugal with its picturesque capital Lisbon, Turkey with its eclectic food scene, and Costa Rica for its ecological wonders.

Finally, Brazil's lively cities, the Philippines' stunning beaches, and nature galore await to be explored - no matter what kind of traveler you are!

Top 10 Digital Nomad Industries By Gender

Digital nomadism is quickly becoming one of the most popular career paths for innovative, tech-forward minds across the globe. 

While top industries for female digital nomads are often creative and marketing-related, top industries for male digital nomads tend to be software or web development based. 

Furthermore, a recent study showed that 14% of female startup founders decide on the life of a digital nomad compared to 29% of their male counterparts.


  • Creative - 18%
  • Marketing - 17%
  • Startup Founder - 14%
  • Blogger - 11%
  • Software Dev - 10%
  • UI/UX Design - 10 %
  • Community - 9%
  • Education - 9%
  • Web Dev - 9%
  • Coach - 7%


  • Software Dev -  33%
  • Web Dev - 29%
  • Startup Founder - 29%
  • Marketing - 16%
  • Creative - 13%
  • SaaS - 13%
  • UI/UX Design -13%
  • Product Manager - 12%
  • Crypto - 12%
  • Mobile Dev -11 %

Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas

Many countries have already decided to adapt to modern times and now offer travelers a relatively new type of visa, which is a digital nomad visa. 

Actually, most of the digital nomad visas are long-term permits, most often issued for 1-2 years. So, can a person staying in one country for one year or even longer still be called a digital nomad or maybe rather an ex-pat

All in all, digital nomad visas are gaining increased interest among travel passionates globally. At the moment, there are 21 countries that have been offering visas dedicated to digital nomads. 

Have a look at where you can travel to with this type of visa and for how long you can stay there:

  • Antigua and Barbuda - 2 years
  • Barbados - 1 year
  • Bermuda -  1 year
  • Cayman Islands - 2 years
  • Costa Rica - 2 years
  • Croatia- 1 year
  • Czech Republic - 1 year
  • UAE (Dubai) - 1 year
  • Estonia - 1 year
  • Georgia - 1 year
  • Germany - 3 years
  • Iceland - 6 months
  • Mauritius - 1 year
  • Mexico - 1 year (renewable to 3 years)
  • Norway - 2 years
  • Portugal - 1 year (renewable to 5 years)
  • Spain - 1 year (renewable)
  • Anguilla - 1 year
  • Argentina - 1 year
  • Montserrat - 1 year
  • Aruba - 1 year

9 of the countries offering digital nomad visas are located in Europe, while 8 of them are also Schengen Area members. It can be tempting for those who would like to stay in the Schengen country for longer than 3 months - it is the maximum time that a holder of a Schengen visa can stay in a certain Schengen-member country. 

Despite the fact that all of the abovelisted countries wish to attract visitors by having a digital nomad visa option, travelers must remember that there are certain conditions, including income requirements, which must be met in order to qualify for the visa.  


If you're looking for a change and feel chained to your current location, maybe it's time to consider a digital nomad lifestyle. 

With advances in technology, more and more companies let employees work from wherever they want on the planet.

And as a result, people are ditching their traditional 9-5 work lives in favor of a nomadic lifestyle.

If you've been wanting to make a change but don't know where to start, why not try out this increasingly popular way of living? You might find that it's exactly what you've been searching for all along.
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