Canada Visa Consultation

Canadian Visa Consultation

Some visitors planning a trip to Canada must schedule an appointment at the Embassy and apply for a visa in person. With these travelers in mind, we present the consultation feature, which will help you prepare before the application.

What are the visa types available in Canada?

Depending on your travel plans and the estimated duration of your trip to Canada, you should apply for one of the available types of Canadian visa:

  • Work Visa – It allows foreign nationals to perform legal work in Canada and temporarily reside in the country. It can be obtained by an individual who received a job offer from an employer registered in Canada. It is usually issued for up to 2 years with the possibility to request a visa extension.
  • Student Visa – The Canadian study permit should be obtained by foreigners who wish to pursue academic studies at educational institutions in Canada. It also grants a temporary residence in Canada. This visa may stay valid for a specified period from 6 months (1 semester) up to 5 years (studies duration).
  • Family Visa – It is issued to travelers whose spouse, partner, or parent is already a resident of Canada. The permanent resident sponsors their family members for immigration so that they can pursue employment or education abroad. This long-term visa remains effective for up to 10 years.
  • Partner Visa – A type of visa that allows a citizen and resident of Canada to sponsor their spouse to reunite and live with them abroad. Its validity will vary depending on the nature of the relationship and the applicant’s country of origin. However, it is usually no longer than 3 years.
  • Investor Visa – A Canadian visa offering foreign entrepreneurs a chance to obtain permanent residency in Canada through special investment immigration programs. If the application is approved, the visitor will be given a work permit to pursue business in Canada. The validity period will differ based on the nature of the investment.
  • Other – If you would like to apply for another visa to Canada, feel free to contact us. Although it may not be listed here, we will do our best to provide you with the most essential information related to the visa application.

What does the consultation process look like?

The process of booking the consultation session is fast and easy!

All you need to do is contact us. You can leave a message via e-mail or call our hotline directly. Your designated support specialist will listen to your needs and schedule an appointment with the expert, who will then prepare you for a successful visa application. The entire process is simple, straightforward, and user-friendly.

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